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Page history last edited by evoamo@... 13 years, 6 months ago


Launching this spring on a screen near you.




The world behind FROGGOIL

So I'm not sure how to describe the creative process but sometimes you know you have to do something and make something without fully understanding how to best more forward.  Art, creativity and gaming are a part of this creative process @amoration and I've created a new game for you to explore solutions to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  If you're interested in exploring your own creative potential you can go and Make games.  We're in early beta, only 8 levels done so far but you can play along and leave comments at Playcrafter (or on the #froggoil hashtag).  Looking forward to hearing your ideas!


Please go watch TedXOilSpill for more ideas and details including the photo credits for this game, we're integrating materials from all over and will include a credits level at the end for those of you who can win the Froggoil game.  No one has beaten it yet except the creator....will you be the first?




Causebuilding Games

SXSWi talk on 3/12 at 3:33PM 

Join Josephine Dorado and Evonne Heyning exploring the connections between the public sector (GOV, NPO, EDU, ETC :) with the game development industry, providing inroads to new stories that help public projects grow through fun play and engaging opportunities. Costumes encouraged, RSVP here for SXSWi.


#techsoupvirtual at #NTC11

Virtual Teams!

Join the social media team at TechSoup Global exploring how virtual teams can work better together.



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