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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago


You are AMO too


We are currently working with a handful of interns for Amoration design, programming and development projects.

In addition we work weekly with LA High School for digital media education after school.

Typical internships include a focus in game programming, design, social media, writing, social venture leadership or engineering.


Educational Internships

Fill out the form below for IAMAMO Initiation for internships and digital community partnerships.

For 2007 we will take on two more interns, in 2008 we will open up for new interns in digital media, community philanthropy and outreach.


If you would like to join us as a mentor to high school or college youth please email Evonne @ Amoration. 

IAMAMO participants have been moving on to great things in 2007 and we will help you grow in 2008.


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Amoration's mission is to create a culture of conscious compassion. This is an intentional path of engagement with the world.

Integrating and spotlight brave new works is our focus; our projects bring together fascinating grassroots endeavors.


AMO Studio

5067 W. Washington Blvd. 90016


AMO Metaverse

In Kenzo's Blip.tv

In Kenzo's Blog

AMO Island in Second Life SLURL

Amoration Photo Galleries @ Fotki

AMO Group @ Flickr

Amoration Twitter

IHCenter @ Nonprofit Commons


The AMOGame

Black Rock City AMOAnnex

Nonprofit Hub for Amoration

Loving Leaders Book Notes

Essence of Amoration

AMO Partnerships


About AMO: Bios

LinkedIn Evonne Heyning

Visit our partner production company!

Toyshoppe Productions

Toyshoppe Vox Pressroll




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