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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago

Camp Darfur International Meetup, Monday June 26th, 9AM Linden Time in Second Life


[8:58]  Guest Greeting 3.05: Welcome to Camp Darfur Rik Riel!

[8:58]  Guest Greeting 3.05: Camp Darfur in Second Life is an interactive awareness and education exhibit that brings attention to the ongoing genocide in Darfur, Sudan, and gives individuals the opportunity to discover their own power to make a difference.

[8:58]  Guest Greeting 3.05: The genocide in Darfur has taken the lives of an estimated 400,000 people, and more than 2.5 million are displaced and in grave danger of more violence and starvation.

[8:58]  Guest Greeting 3.05: The international community has failed again to protect a population that has been targeted for genocide, and the responsibility falls on all of us to act and not remain silent.

[8:58]  Ubuntu Gregoire: I'm just back from picking children to school and try to read last news from the meeting in France

[8:58]  Guest Greeting 3.05: Camp Darfur is a project of Better World  and it's creators are: Jamie Neutra, Zeke Poutine, In Kenzo, Sue Stonebender, and Riversong Garden

[8:58]  RiverSong Garden: <smiles>

[8:58]  You: hi all

[8:58]  RiverSong Garden: Hi Rik :)

[8:58]  Ubuntu Gregoire: hi Rik

[8:58]  You: salut ubuntu. comment-ca va?

[8:59]  In Kenzo: RSS feed ...

[8:59]  xIn: Alimentation de RSS...

[8:59]  In Kenzo: keeps news current.

[8:59]  xIn: tient des nouvelles à jour.

[8:59]  Ubuntu Gregoire: bien merci ! tu parles français ?

[8:59]  In Kenzo: talking about sarkozy today

[8:59]  xIn: parler sarkozy aujourd'hui

[8:59]  You: juste un petitpeu

[8:59]  You: hi In K

[8:59]  Natacha Salomon: Hello

[8:59]  xNatacha: Hello

[8:59]  Ubuntu Gregoire: hello In and Natacha

[8:59]  Rebus Mandelbrot: hi Rik

[8:59]  Natacha Salomon: Salut Ubuntu

[8:59]  xNatacha: Ubuntu Hello

[8:59]  In Kenzo: giving me a good opportunity to try out the babbler, thank you ubuntu for organizing!

[9:00]  xIn: me donnant une bonne occasion d'essayer le bavard, merci ubuntu de

l'organisation !

[9:00]  Babbler3.17: RiverSong welcome to Babbler3. Have fun! For more information, visit http://www.maxcase.info/babbler3.

[9:00]  Babbler3.17: Babbler Ready.

[9:00]  You: un tres bon idee

[9:00]  Oliver Audina: hello everybody

[9:00]  Ubuntu Gregoire: there a tool fro translating inworld?

[9:00]  You: c'est ca

[9:00]  tatiana Salomon: Salut à tous

[9:00]  You: s'appelle le "babbler"

[9:00]  Oliver Audina: bonjour tatiana

[9:00]  jyjy Jie: bonjour

[9:00]  Ubuntu Gregoire: hi Marquez

[9:00]  Natacha Salomon: Ubuntu, je te présente tatiana la présidente des Humains Associés

[9:00]  xNatacha: Ubuntu, I you présente tatiana the présidente of Human Associés

[9:00]  Babbler3.17: RiverSong welcome to Babbler3. Have fun! For more information, visit http://www.maxcase.info/babbler3.

[9:00]  Babbler3.17: Babbler Ready.

[9:01]  Babbler3: RiverSong: Langue vous parlez l'ensemble au Français

[9:01]  xIn: Tatiana Bienvenu

[9:01]  xNatacha: Tatiana is the president of the associated humans

[9:01]  Ubuntu Gregoire: bonjour Tatiana ! content de te rencontrer et de mettre un visage sur ta voix :)

[9:01]  In Kenzo: You are both very beautiful inworld, seem very much at home here.

[9:01]  xIn: You are both very beautiful inworld, seem very much at home here.

[9:01]  In Kenzo: Welcome Tatiana

[9:01]  Babbler: Rik: Listening to TRANSLATE on channel 0

[9:01]  Natacha Salomon: Tatiana is the president of the associated humans

[9:01]  Babbler: Rik: Babbler is turning off

[9:01]  xRik: Language I am now translating to French

[9:01]  xRik: Listening to TRANSLATE on channel /0

[9:02]  Ubuntu Gregoire: was just reading the very last news concerning the meeting

[9:02]  You: Is this thing on?

[9:02]  xRik: Cette chose est-elle allumée ?

[9:02]  In Kenzo: if anyone else would like a translator gift please let me know, you wear the babbler to translate text.

[9:02]  You: ah great

[9:02]  xIn: si n'importe qui autrement voudrait un cadeau de traducteur svp

faites-moi savoir, vous portent le bavard pour traduire le texte.

[9:02]  xRik: oh grand

[9:02]  Ubuntu Gregoire: je dois faire quelque chose pour mettre en marche Babbler ?

[9:02]  Oliver Audina: ok thanks Kenzo

[9:02]  Babbler3: Rebus: Visitez cette page Web pour l'aide

[9:02]  Babbler3: Rebus: Rebus welcome to Babbler3. Have fun! For more information, visit http://www.maxcase.info/babbler3.

[9:02]  xNatacha: La livraison sur le chemin à Ubuntu Gregoire

[9:02]  Babbler3: Rebus: Babbler Ready.

[9:02]  Babbler3: Rebus: Langue vous parlez l'ensemble au Français

[9:03]  You: ce n'est pas parfait, mais mieux que rien

[9:03]  Nessy Lupino: bonjour !

[9:03]  xRik: le parfait à pas n'est de la CE, que de mieux de mais rien

[9:03]  Swizzle Stiglitz is Online

[9:03]  xRik: Babbler is turning off

[9:03]  In Kenzo: other introductions to be made in this circle? Riversong Garden is our curate and estate owner here at Better World Island, she is the key organizer here now.

[9:03]  xIn: d'autres introductions à faire en ce cercle ? Le jardin de Riversong

est notre curé et propriétaire de domaine ici à une meilleure île

du monde, elle est l'organisatrice principale ici maintenant.

[9:03]  Bromo Ivory is Online

[9:03]  You: is anyone speaking german?

[9:03]  Ubuntu Gregoire: thanks Riversong for hosting and In for facilitating and everyone for attending !

[9:04]  Mascottus Phlox: Hi

[9:04]  In Kenzo: riversong, i cannot give our guests camp darfur campaign gear, but perhaps you can point out the shirts/boxes?

[9:04]  xIn: riversong, je ne peux pas donner à nos invités la vitesse de

campagne de darfur de camp, mais peut-être pouvez-vous préciser le

shirts/boxes ?

[9:04]  Ubuntu Gregoire: German speaking people could come later... but one has server problems...

[9:04]  RiverSong Garden: YOu are very welcome :) there are boxes of gear behind In Kenzo please help yourself

[9:04]  Hiro Pendragon is Offline

[9:05]  In Kenzo: we got emails from other groups who wanted to join us today but could not...

[9:05]  xIn: nous avons obtenu des email d'autres groupes qui ont voulu nous

joindre aujourd'hui mais ne pourrions pas...

[9:05]  In Kenzo: Genocide Intervention Network; they are doing very good work organizing youth, especially in the US

[9:05]  xIn: Réseau d'Intervention de génocide ; ils font la jeunesse

d'organisation de travail très bon, particulièrement aux USA

[9:05]  In Kenzo: Gabriel, who organizes the live Camp Darfur experiences, had also hoped to join us.

[9:05]  xIn: Gabriel, qui organise les expériences de phase de Darfur de camp,

avait également espéré nous joindre.

[9:05]  In Kenzo: his videos show here, the iACT videoblogs.

[9:05]  xIn: ses videos montrent ici, les videoblogs d'iACT.

[9:06]  Marquez Qunhua: I'm here..Gabriel, learning my new skin

[9:06]  Vasha Junot is Online

[9:06]  Nobody Fugazi is Online

[9:06]  In Kenzo: so those of us here represent a much larger circle of activists and advocates. gabriel! hi!

[9:06]  xIn: ainsi ceux de nous ici représentent un cercle beaucoup plus grand des

activistes et préconisent le gabriel ! bonjour !

[9:06]  You: hurray!

[9:06]  RiverSong Garden: Gabriel!

[9:06]  In Kenzo: riversong and i were there with the very first camp darfur in los angeles, about 16 months ago now?

[9:06]  xIn: le riversong et moi étaient là avec le tout premier darfur de camp

à Los Angeles, il y a environ 16 mois maintenant ?

[9:06]  In Kenzo: and gabriel has hosted.....many....camps.

[9:06]  xIn: et le gabriel a accueilli.....many....camps.

[9:07]  In Kenzo: gabriel, any idea how many?

[9:07]  In Kenzo: and where are you now?

[9:07]  xIn: gabriel, une idée combien ?

[9:07]  xIn: et où êtes-vous maintenant ?

[9:07]  Marquez Qunhua: hello...umm I've lost track, right now i'n portland after a camp darfur yesterday

[9:07]  Marquez Qunhua: a few dozen

[9:07]  In Kenzo: dozens of camps yes.

[9:07]  xIn: douzaines de camps oui.

[9:07]  In Kenzo: mostly in united states so far...

[9:08]  In Kenzo: but soon to change?

[9:08]  xIn: mais changer bientôt ?

[9:08]  Marquez Qunhua: :) would love to go other places

[9:08]  In Kenzo: some of what you see here at the sim camp is similar to gabriel's live experiences.

[9:08]  xIn: une partie de ce que vous voyez ici au camp de sim est semblable aux

expériences de phase des gabriel.

[9:08]  Ubuntu Gregoire: sorry for quiting... seems I will try to use babbler next time :)

[9:09]  In Kenzo: schools, churches, community centers invite him to come in with tents, videos, pictures, stories.

[9:09]  xIn: les écoles, églises, centres sociaux l'invitent à entrer avec des

tentes, videos, images, histoires.

[9:09]  Bromo Ivory is Offline

[9:09]  In Kenzo: wb ubuntu! we should hear from others, what kinds of advocacy work is happening now?

[9:09]  xIn: ubuntu de wb ! nous devrions entendre de d'autres, quels genres de

travail de recommandation se produit maintenant ?

[9:10]  Ubuntu Gregoire: just reading the issues of the meeting... it seems that they are going strong through the economic/oil way

[9:10]  Natacha Salomon: bonjoru delia

[9:10]  xNatacha: bonjoru delia

[9:10]  Natacha Salomon: hello delia

[9:10]  xNatacha: hello delia

[9:10]  In Kenzo: and statements from our C. Rice mentioning no more sanctions because of oil security issues?

[9:10]  xIn: et rapports de notre C. Rice ne mentionnant plus de sanction en raison

des titres d'huile ?

[9:11]  Oliver Audina: where're are you reading this, Ubuntu ?

[9:11]  Delia Lake: bonjour Natacha :)

[9:11]  Ubuntu Gregoire: hrw.org

[9:11]  Oliver Audina: thx

[9:12]  Elfay Pinkdot is Offline

[9:12]  RiverSong Garden: right click on a pillow and choose "sit here"

[9:13]  Ubuntu Gregoire: I'm looking for if there is anything related to a real European action

[9:13]  Doubledown Tandino is Online

[9:13]  serena Parisi: bonjour atous

[9:13]  Ubuntu Gregoire: bonjour serena

[9:13]  jyjy Jie: bonjour

[9:14]  rockjapon Koba: salut serena

[9:14]  In Kenzo: perhaps marquez can tell us a few of the most effective actions he's seen over the last two years....

[9:14]  xIn: peut-être le marquez peut nous indiquer quelques uns des actions les

plus efficaces qu'il est vu au cours des deux dernières années....

[9:14]  In Kenzo: i remember carrying one of these tents through the streets of LA with him!

[9:14]  xIn: je me rappelle de porter une de ces tentes par les rues de la LA avec

lui !

[9:14]  Natacha Salomon: bonjour serena

[9:14]  xNatacha: hello serena

[9:15]  Marquez Qunhua: well, here in the US, from my experience, people are ready to become active, if you can just get them in the door

[9:15]  serena Parisi: bonjour natacha

[9:15]  Marquez Qunhua: which is not easy

[9:15]  Marquez Qunhua: finding ways to engage people and connect with genocide, that first step, is what is the challenge

[9:16]  Marquez Qunhua: what works, but it is also the hard way, is to go very grassroots and connect person to person

[9:16]  In Kenzo: there's a lot of confusion around how to act regarding darfur.

[9:16]  xIn: il y a beaucoup de confusion autour de la façon agir concernant le


[9:16]  In Kenzo: and actions like the camp darfur project and other places where people can dialogue, both live and virtual...

[9:16]  xIn: et les actions aiment le projet de darfur de camp et d'autres endroits

où les gens peuvent dialoguer, de phase et virtuel...

[9:17]  Oliver Audina: you mean confusion about the real situation in Darfour, Kenzo ?

[9:17]  Marquez Qunhua: and then give then give them a way to connect also at a personal level with the crisis, going beyond the complexities of it

[9:17]  Ubuntu Gregoire: I've heard that we have reached the limit of the efficiency of send letters to governments...

[9:17]  In Kenzo: confusion about how best to act, and yes...sometimes confusion around what is happening there, or who is perpetrating....very complex situations at times.

[9:17]  xIn: confusion au sujet comment de mieux agir, et oui... parfois

confusion autour de ce qui se produit là, ou de qui commet... des

situations complexes de.very parfois.

[9:18]  xRik: Language I am now translating to French

[9:18]  xRik: Listening to TRANSLATE on channel /0

[9:18]  You: I know that the US Holocaust Museum wants to be more active on Darfur.

[9:18]  xRik: Je sais que le musée des USA Holocauste veut être plus en activité

sur Darfur.

[9:18]  In Kenzo: it was sad to me that some in hollywood who spoke out on darfur got lambasted. there's no one simple answer, why more public dialogue is so needed.

[9:18]  xIn: il était regrettable à moi que certains dans le hollywood qui a

parlé dehors du darfur ont obtenu fustigés il n'y ont pas une seule

réponse simple, pourquoi un dialogue plus public est si nécessaire.

[9:18]  Natacha Salomon: C'est eux qui ont organisé la rencontre avec Mia Farrow in world

[9:18]  xNatacha: It is them which have organisé the meeting with Mia Farrow in


[9:18]  Ubuntu Gregoire: that seems a good way, and the mapping idea is a good one because a good Pay Attention factor

[9:19]  In Kenzo: most people tell me they had never heard of darfur until they saw my blog or myspace, or some video on the web.....a random action......

[9:19]  Marquez Qunhua: I think that it's very important to know the complexities of Darfur and be able to understand the history, but when reaching people for the first time and getting them inovolved

[9:19]  xIn: la plupart des personnes me disent qu'elles n'avaient jamais entendu

parler du darfur jusqu'à ce qu'elles aient vu mon blog ou myspace, ou

d'une certaine vidéo sur l'action aléatoire de


[9:19]  Natacha Salomon: en France, cela a un peu changé, mais il y a peu de temps

[9:19]  xNatacha: in France, that has a little changé, but little time ago

[9:19]  Marquez Qunhua: I think that there is no confussion in the fact that it's innocent civilians, just like all of us, that are suffering and dying

[9:19]  Ubuntu Gregoire: for having the basic knowledge keeping update the Darfur conflicts in wikipedia should be enough...

[9:19]  In Kenzo: very essential marquez yes. good, balanced information can be hard to find. how is the news coming into france now?

[9:19]  xIn: le marquez très essentiel oui bon, l'information équilibrée peut

être dur pour trouver vont comment les nouvelles héritant la France

maintenant ?

[9:20]  Space Jewell: why do you think people and governments in particular have been so slow to react?

[9:20]  In Kenzo: we seem to have little news on darfur here in the US beyond a few rogue reporters and the experiences created in this circle.....

[9:20]  xIn: nous semblons avoir peu de nouvelles sur le darfur ici aux USA au

delà de quelques journalistes escroc et des expériences

créées en ce cercle.....

[9:20]  In Kenzo: people are not activated.

[9:20]  Natacha Salomon: En France, nous avons essayé de communiquer sur les blogs depuis un an environ, et les gens ne voulaient pas relayer vraiment massivement

[9:20]  xIn: les gens ne sont pas activés.

[9:20]  Rasheed Jacobus: hi everyone

[9:20]  In Kenzo: or informed.

[9:20]  xNatacha: In France, we have had essayé to communicate on the blogs for

approximately one year, and people did not want to relay really


[9:20]  xIn: ou informé.

[9:20]  Hiro Pendragon is Online

[9:21]  Natacha Salomon: nous avons reçu sur notre ile une journaliste française Sara Daniel qui a parlé du Darfour pour une conférence en video en direct

[9:21]  xNatacha: we have reçu on our island a journalist française Sara Daniel who

has parlé of Darfour for a conférence into video on line

[9:21]  Natacha Salomon: sorry for babler

[9:21]  xNatacha: sorry for babler

[9:21]  In Kenzo: it's a very hard issue to mobilize around; in college circles there's a fashion to darfur awareness now that will continue to grow the work here.....

[9:21]  xIn: c'est une issue très dure à mobiliser autour ; en cercles

d'université il y a une mode à la conscience de darfur maintenant

que continuera à accroître le travail ici.....

[9:21]  Humph Kubrick: salut

[9:21]  In Kenzo: hello!

[9:21]  xIn: bonjour !

[9:21]  In Kenzo: have a seat when you see one.

[9:21]  Natacha Salomon: bonjour

[9:21]  xIn: ayez un siège quand vous voyez un.

[9:21]  xNatacha: hello

[9:22]  In Kenzo: marquez....other actions that worked well?

[9:22]  xIn: actions du marquez....other qui ont bien fonctionné ?

[9:22]  Marquez Qunhua: the divestment movement here is a great example of a very small group of young people...

[9:22]  Walter Sheridan: Hello everybody!

[9:23]  Marquez Qunhua: starting it, keeping it going, and then making it go nationwide

[9:23]  Marquez Qunhua: our friend Adam Sterling, he show's what the power of 1 can do

[9:23]  Soso Gao: Bonjour à tous

[9:23]  Humph Kubrick: merci

[9:23]  Space Jewell: that is a great initiative, money talks !

[9:23]  Natacha Salomon: bonjour soso

[9:23]  xNatacha: hello soso

[9:23]  Soso Gao: Good afternoon Riversong

[9:23]  manser Acronym: jour salut soso

[9:24]  In Kenzo: welcome many newcomers!

[9:24]  xIn: accueillez beaucoup de nouveaux venus !

[9:24]  Marquez Qunhua: yes, and it's something that makes sense to poeple

[9:24]  Delia Lake: hi Soso :)

[9:24]  In Kenzo: we have both french and english speaking attendees

[9:24]  xDelia: salut Soso :)

[9:24]  xIn: nous avons les participants français et qui parlent anglais

[9:24]  In Kenzo: let me know if you want a babbler to wear.

[9:24]  Soso Gao: Hi Delia

[9:24]  xIn: faites-moi savoir si vous voulez que un bavard porte.

[9:24]  Nessy Lupino: bonjour à tous !

[9:24]  Babbler3.17: hello à all!

[9:24]  Space Jewell: i agree

[9:24]  manser Acronym: bisous ness

[9:24]  Marquez Qunhua: we cannot know for sure if it really has an effect, a big effect, on Sudan, but it for sure has energyzed the movement here

[9:25]  Babbler3.17: Nessy welcome to Babbler3. Have fun! For more information, visit http://www.maxcase.info/babbler3.

[9:25]  Babbler3.17: Babbler Ready.

[9:25]  Babbler3: Nessy: Nessy welcome to Babbler3. Have fun! For more information, visit http://www.maxcase.info/babbler3.

[9:25]  Babbler3: Nessy: Babbler Ready.

[9:25]  Soso Gao: Hi In Kenzo

[9:25]  Babbler3: Nessy: Langue vous parlez l'ensemble au Français

[9:25]  xNessy: Écoute À TRADUIRE sur le canal /0

[9:25]  Babbler3.17: serena welcome to Babbler3. Have fun! For more information, visit http://www.maxcase.info/babbler3.

[9:25]  Babbler3.17: Babbler Ready.

[9:25]  In Kenzo: good to see so many of you here!

[9:25]  xIn: bon pour voir tellement bon nombre d'entre vous ici !

[9:25]  In Kenzo: are there other organizational leaders with experience in darfur advocacy here?

[9:25]  xIn: y a-t-il d'autres chefs d'organisation avec l'expérience de la

recommandation de darfur ici ?

[9:25]  Walter Sheridan: This is a great implantation!

[9:26]  In Kenzo: it has been good to hear what works and motivates people to action.

[9:26]  Walter Sheridan: is there any donation box?

[9:26]  xIn: il a été bon d'entendre ce qui fonctionne et motive des personnes à


[9:26]  You: Not me personally. But I know that "Citizens for Global Action" has been working on Darfur for awhile now.

[9:26]  xRik: Pas je personnellement. Mais je sais que les "citoyens pour l'action

globale" avait travaillé à Darfur pour pendant quelque temps


[9:26]  Delia Lake: in my opinion, one of the contributing problems is that the current US administration gives little support and credance to the UN. that may not change for a couple of more years

[9:26]  xDelia: à mon avis, un des problèmes de contribution est que

l'administration courante des USA donne peu l'appui et le credance à

l'ONU qui peut ne pas changer pour un couple de plus d'années

[9:26]  Babbler3.17: Le bavard s'éteint

[9:26]  Babbler3.17: Soso welcome to Babbler3. Have fun! For more information, visit http://www.maxcase.info/babbler3.

[9:27]  Babbler3.17: Babbler Ready.

[9:27]  Natacha Salomon: Now in bloghud : http://bloghud.com/id/10046

[9:27]  xNatacha: Now in bloghud: http://bloghud.com/id/10046

[9:27]  Babbler3: Soso: Langue vous parlez l'ensemble au Français

[9:27]  In Kenzo: agreed: there's a strange competitive feeling between US and UN sometimes, at least coming out in some speeches. rik and others here know more about UN. here in US there is not great respect for the UN at times.

[9:27]  xIn: convenu : il y a un sentiment concurrentiel étrange entre les USA et

l'ONU parfois, au moins venant dehors dans le rik des quelques paroles

et d'autres ici savent que plus au sujet de l'ONU ici aux USA là

n'est pas grand respect pour l'ONU parfois.

[9:28]  You: That's correct.

[9:28]  xRik: C'est correct.

[9:28]  Walter Sheridan: it is interesting to hear that! in EU we feel that US leads the UN ;)

[9:28]  In Kenzo: hope to see that change soon, but will require great changes in our country.

[9:28]  xIn: espérez voir que le changement bientôt, mais exigera de grands

changements de notre pays.

[9:28]  In Kenzo: in our media, UN is not respected.

[9:28]  xIn: dans nos médias, l'ONU n'est pas respecté.

[9:29]  You: 8 things you can do for Darfur: http://www.globalsolutions.org/action/8_things_you_can_do_darfur

[9:29]  Delia Lake: to me it seems that the current administration consistantly tries to usurp what should properly be UN efforts

[9:29]  xDelia: à moi il semble que l'administration courante essaye consistantly

d'usurper ce qui devrait correctement être des efforts de l'ONU

[9:29]  In Kenzo: that's a generalization, but often true. our media has been weak on global reporting for some time.

[9:29]  xRik: 8 choses que vous pouvez faire pour Darfur :


[9:29]  xIn: c'est une généralisation, mais rectifie souvent nos médias a été

faible sur le reportage global pendant un certain temps.

[9:29]  Rasheed Jacobus: media rules us ...

[9:29]  In Kenzo: many of us here are committed to creating new media for just that reason.

[9:29]  xIn: bon nombre d'entre nous ici sont commis à créer de nouveaux médias

pour juste cette raison.

[9:29]  Ionsilver Whitman: hello all

[9:29]  In Kenzo: and that seems to be the easiest thing we can do to reach large groups.

[9:29]  xIn: et ce semble être la chose la plus facile que nous pouvons faire pour

atteindre de grands groupes.

[9:29]  In Kenzo: places like Camp Darfur....

[9:30]  xIn: les endroits aiment le camp Darfur....

[9:30]  Space Jewell: The humains associés told the president of Save Darfur about this meeting here in Second Life

[9:30]  In Kenzo: blogs, videos, college actions, die-in walking through streets....

[9:30]  xIn: blogs, videos, actions d'université, mourir-dans la marche par des


[9:30]  In Kenzo: excellent! our circles definitely reach many more...

[9:30]  xIn: excellent ! nos cercles atteignent certainement beaucoup plus...

[9:30]  In Kenzo: tell us more of your discussions in france?

[9:30]  xIn: dites-nous davantage de vos discussions en France ?

[9:31]  In Kenzo: many of our guests here are in the same locations?

[9:31]  xIn: plusieurs de nos invités ici sont dans les mêmes endroits ?

[9:31]  Soso Gao: yes

[9:31]  Natacha Salomon: Space traduit pour moi, car babler ne fonctionne pas bien

[9:31]  RiverSong Garden: right click a cushion and choose "sit here" to have a seat

[9:31]  xNatacha: Space translated for me, because babler does not function well

[9:31]  Space Jewell: it has been very difficult to create awareness in the French blogosphere

[9:31]  Rasheed Jacobus: nobody knows about darfour in france

[9:32]  Natacha Salomon: depuis un an

[9:32]  xNatacha: since one year

[9:32]  Space Jewell: we have been trying for one year now in France

[9:32]  Walter Sheridan: i don't agree!

[9:32]  Walter Sheridan: it moves a lot since a few months

[9:32]  Soso Gao: we can say 90% of the population of France dont know

[9:32]  Rasheed Jacobus: thanks to the media

[9:32]  Soso Gao: because of the media who don't taltk a lot about Darfur

[9:32]  Natacha Salomon: depuis la campagne présidentielle, cela a changé

[9:32]  Oliver Audina: yes but it's moving fast now in France, m

[9:32]  Rasheed Jacobus: ; )

[9:32]  xNatacha: from the présidentielle countryside, that has changé

[9:32]  In Kenzo: babbler translations are weak yes. my apologies. in US i have no idea on current knowledge....seems many know only vaguely.

[9:33]  xIn: les traductions de bavard sont oui faible mes excuses. aux USA je ne

fais savoir aucune idée sur les connaissances actuelles....seems

beaucoup seulement vaguement.

[9:33]  Ubuntu Gregoire: I was on the phone with Mahor Chiche from Sauver le Darfour who say hello to all and look forwarsd the ideas and feedback from here

[9:33]  Walter Sheridan: the french foreign affairs started a "fly bridge" to darfur !

[9:33]  In Kenzo: fly bridge?

[9:33]  xIn: pont de mouche ?

[9:33]  Walter Sheridan: send food and drugs, etc...

[9:33]  Ubuntu Gregoire: does any of the French have experience with Sauver le Darfour ?

[9:33]  Natacha Salomon: justement je parlais de mahor, c'est amisant

[9:33]  xNatacha: justement je parlais de mahor, c' est amisant

[9:33]  Space Jewell: this has changed since the french presidential elections

[9:33]  Oliver Audina: many medias are doing their job now

[9:33]  Natacha Salomon: nous avons tous travaillé pour sensibiliser les candidats pendant la campagne

[9:33]  Oliver Audina: in france*

[9:34]  xNatacha: we have all travaillé to sensitize the candidates during the


[9:34]  Soso Gao: yes but recently

[9:34]  Ubuntu Gregoire: they are interested in the idea to spread the iAct of Gabriel in French

[9:34]  Soso Gao: yes

[9:34]  In Kenzo: in US they are making it a candidate/election issue through http://www.darfurscores.org

[9:34]  xIn: aux USA ils lui font une issue de candidate/election par


[9:34]  In Kenzo: and forcing the question into debates.

[9:34]  xIn: et forçant la question dans des discussions.

[9:34]  Walter Sheridan: they did it here too ;)

[9:34]  Natacha Salomon: je parle de la campagne presidentielle, pardon

[9:34]  xNatacha: I speak about the presidentielle countryside, forgiveness

[9:34]  Ubuntu Gregoire: vous avez fait du super boulot car j'aurais jamais imaginé que le Darfur tienne cette place dans lla campagne

[9:34]  In Kenzo: forgiveness?

[9:34]  Natacha Salomon: sauver le darfour, nous connaissons

[9:34]  xIn: rémission ?

[9:34]  xNatacha: to save the darfour, we know

[9:34]  Space Jewell: we all worked to create awareness during the frnech presidential elections

[9:35]  Babbler3.17: Ionsilver welcome to Babbler3. Have fun! For more information, visit http://www.maxcase.info/babbler3.

[9:35]  Babbler3.17: Babbler Ready.

[9:35]  Space Jewell: we are know Sauver le Darfour

[9:35]  Ubuntu Gregoire: tu penses qu'ils sont un bon point possible d'efficacité Natacha ?

[9:35]  Babbler3: Ionsilver: Lengua usted habla el sistema al español

[9:35]  Rasheed Jacobus: when media will cease talking about darfour conflict, it'll be considered as over

[9:35]  xIonsilver: El escuchar A TRADUCIR en el canal /0

[9:35]  In Kenzo: so what will move our people and governments beyond this sticking point?

[9:35]  xIn: ainsi que déplacera nos personnes et les gouvernements au delà de ce

collage se dirigent-ils ?

[9:35]  In Kenzo: and where are the sticking points to keep talking about?

[9:36]  xIn: et où la subsistance de collage de points parlent ?

[9:36]  Natacha Salomon: Mahor Chiche travaille énormément depuis un an avec son association

[9:36]  xNatacha: Mahor Chiche has worked énormément for a year with its


[9:36]  Walter Sheridan: Natacha, essaies sans les accents, le babbler n'aime pas ;)

[9:36]  Rasheed Jacobus: everywhere i suppose where the media is not

[9:37]  Delia Lake: somehow, we need to make this crisis and genocide in darfur a relevant concern in the lives of ordinary citizens of the developed world

[9:37]  xDelia: de façon ou d'autre, nous devons faire ces crise et génocide dans

le darfur un souci approprié dans les vies des citoyens ordinaires du

monde développé

[9:37]  Rebus Mandelbrot: apologies...must run to rl...thanks for the great discussion

[9:37]  Marquez Qunhua: I agree Delia

[9:37]  Marquez Qunhua: It is clear that our leaders will not do the right thing just because it's the right thing

[9:37]  In Kenzo: direct impact.

[9:37]  xIn: impact direct.

[9:37]  Marquez Qunhua: we have to drag them along, leading our leaders

[9:37]  Natacha Salomon: Nous avons une personne de notre association Sara Daniel qui est grand reporter comme je le disais tout a l'heure qui est tres engagee pour le darfour, elle a grand reportage la bas pour le Nouvel Observateur, pendant quinze jours, le podcast audio est disponible sur notre blog

[9:37]  xNatacha: We have a person of our association Sara Daniel which is international

reporter as I said it all has the hour which is very engagee for the

darfour, it low has great report it for the New Observer, during

fifteen days, the audio podcast is available on our blog

[9:38]  Delia Lake: so long as it is a sidebar, it will not move to Urgent

[9:38]  xDelia: à condition que ce soit un sidebar, il ne se déplacera pas à


[9:39]  Delia Lake: not soon enough, but the western world did move to intervene in Yugoslavia when enough people saw that horror as relevant to their own lives

[9:39]  xDelia: assez pas bientôt, mais le monde occidental s'est déplacé pour

intervenir en Yougoslavie quand assez de personnes ont vu cette

horreur comme appropriée à leurs propres vies

[9:39]  Natacha Salomon: pendant la campagne presidentielle, notre association a mene une campagne pour nethique et nous connaissons bien les equipes des trois grands partis francais UMP, PS, UDF, pendant un an. A Paris, il y a eu un important rendez vous juste avant le premier tour de nos elections egalement

[9:39]  xNatacha: during the presidentielle countryside, our association has mene a

campaign for nethic and we know well the equipes of the three great

French parties UMP, PS, UDF, during one year. In

Paris, there was important also make right before the first turn of

our elections

[9:39]  Walter Sheridan: I think a good way to start would be to fund massively some NGO's who are already involved over there!!!

[9:39]  In Kenzo: NGOs are pulling out

[9:39]  xIn: Les O.N.G.S retirent

[9:39]  In Kenzo: too dangerous.

[9:39]  xIn: trop dangereux.

[9:39]  Walter Sheridan: the ones who stay

[9:39]  In Kenzo: serious concerns.

[9:39]  xIn: préoccupations profondes.

[9:40]  In Kenzo: not addressed and unprotected now.

[9:40]  Soso Gao: yes NGO are pulling out it's true

[9:40]  xIn: non adressé et non protégé maintenant.

[9:40]  Walter Sheridan: and hurges gvts to help and protect NGO's

[9:40]  Marquez Qunhua: yes, and you know what was one key thing that happened in Yougoslavia, pictures of people behind barbed wire started coming out...

[9:40]  Jamie Neutra: hi

[9:40]  Marquez Qunhua: and they "looked white"

[9:40]  Soso Gao: yes Walter it's the problem

[9:40]  Nobody Fugazi is Offline

[9:41]  Walter Sheridan: We can send some " VIP's" over there ! analogy with the "peace concert" in Sarajevo!

[9:41]  Rasheed Jacobus: ...

[9:41]  Walter Sheridan: when the serbian's were surrounding and bombing the city!

[9:41]  Space Jewell: surprising more VIPs haven't gone over

[9:41]  Soso Gao: I think it is not the place for the VIP'S !!!

[9:41]  Walter Sheridan: we sent Barbara Hendricks for a peace concert on new year's eve

[9:42]  Soso Gao: the government has to do real actions

[9:42]  Walter Sheridan: with all the international medias....!

[9:42]  Marquez Qunhua: some have gone, but the media covers it, and then they forget about it

[9:42]  Jophiella Willis: the only time the US or the west pays attention to third world issues is when they are threatened when a US citizen is killed

[9:42]  You: Where are the faith communities? The african-american activists?

[9:42]  xRik: Où sont les communautés de foi ? Les activistes africain-américains


[9:42]  Walter Sheridan: they had to behave well! ;)

[9:42]  Walter Sheridan: exactly!

[9:42]  Rasheed Jacobus: we could send johnny halliday or mireille mathieu this time

[9:42]  In Kenzo: rik, a very hard one to answer. not much interest in our communities here, hard to find the leaders to step up.

[9:42]  xIn: rik, très dur celui pour répondre à pas beaucoup d'intérêt pour

nos communautés ici, de trouver dur les chefs pour intensifier.

[9:42]  Marquez Qunhua: the most coverage we've ever gotten here is when george clooney went in, but then he went back to acting...

[9:42]  Marquez Qunhua: and the media forgets

[9:42]  Marquez Qunhua: igonres

[9:43]  In Kenzo: angelina jolie. to be honest, it was her diaries online that first got me interested two years ago. there's power there.

[9:43]  xIn: angelina jolie. to be honest, it was her diaries online that first got me interested two years ago. there's power there.

[9:43]  Rasheed Jacobus: cameras don't solve conflicts

[9:43]  Rasheed Jacobus: vip's neither

[9:43]  In Kenzo: no. only raises awareness.

[9:43]  Marquez Qunhua: we need sustained attention and action

[9:43]  In Kenzo: but sharpens the divide.

[9:43]  Oliver Audina: yes, it brings awareness

[9:44]  Walter Sheridan: no but when you have medias, live feed and "people", the bombers will at least Stop to discuss!!!

[9:44]  In Kenzo: does it motivate people? what makes people care about someone in another country who is struggling to survive?

[9:44]  Tandoah Yao: bonsoir

[9:44]  Ubuntu Gregoire: if non-politcian idea could be to a kind of pairing for Save Darfur activists from different place in the world

[9:44]  Jamie Neutra: Bonsoir

[9:44]  Delia Lake: that is a question that needs to be answered, In

[9:45]  Natacha Salomon: bonsoir

[9:45]  xDelia: c'est une question qui doit être répondue, dedans

[9:45]  xNatacha: good evening

[9:45]  Jophiella Willis: are there refugees in other countries?

[9:46]  You: How do people feel about the connection to climate change and the environment?

[9:46]  xRik: Comment peuplez la sensation au sujet du raccordement au changement de

climat et à l'environnement ?

[9:46]  You: Does that make our case stronger or weaker?

[9:46]  xRik: Est-ce que cela rend notre cas plus fort ou plus faible ?

[9:46]  SignpostMarv Martin is Offline

[9:46]  Marquez Qunhua: it's a part of it, of the complexity of Darfur....but,

[9:47]  Delia Lake: otherwise, ordinary people bombarded with pictures get to the point of...and this is dreadful..."oh just another person dying in an undeveloped country, and i'm not even sure where that country is..."

[9:47]  Marquez Qunhua: I really think that our leaders use these complexities to explain why they do nothing

[9:47]  In Kenzo is Offline

[9:47]  xDelia: autrement, les gens du commun bombardés avec des images obtiennent au

point de... et c'est... "oh redoutable juste une autre personne

mourant dans un pays peu développé, et je ne suis pas même sûr où

ce pays est..."

[9:47]  Walter Sheridan: welcome Mataya!

[9:47]  Hank Hoodoo is Online

[9:47]  Oliver Audina: i heard in a media in France that the Darfour conflict could be considered as one of the first conflict produced by climate change

[9:47]  Mataya Masala: Bonsoir

[9:47]  Delia Lake: i think that the connection to climate change ought to be brought out much more

[9:47]  xDelia: je pense que le raccordement au changement de climat doit être

apporté hors beaucoup de plus

[9:48]  You: It's not "the one cause" but its an important factor

[9:48]  xRik: Ce n'est pas "l'une cause" mais son un facteur important

[9:48]  Ubuntu Gregoire: well said Marquez! we have to make it as simpler as we can so nobody can hide with this "to complexe"...

[9:48]  Delia Lake: i would relate it to other places...particularly in the developed world...where the scientists anticipate severe drought will likely occur

[9:48]  xDelia: je le rapporterais à d'autres endroits... en particulier dans le

monde développé... où les scientifiques prévoient la sécheresse

grave se produiront probablement

[9:48]  Marquez Qunhua: it is important, but my concern is that it takes away from the real perpetrators, the government of sudan

[9:49]  Marquez Qunhua: there has been conflict and scarcer resources in darfur for many many years

[9:49]  Space Jewell: it could be a way of generating more interest...

[9:49]  Marquez Qunhua: but this did not explode in to a genocide until it was systematically planned out and executed

[9:50]  Adri Saarinen is Offline

[9:50]  Delia Lake: the government in Sudan, true, are perpetrators, but the truth is that if there is really severe drought and crops won't grow in areas that many people count on for food production---say california for instance---most governments would have problems dealing with the ensuing crisis

[9:50]  xDelia: le gouvernement au Soudan, vrai, sont des malfaiteurs, mais la

vérité est que s'il y a vraiment grave la sécheresse et les

récoltes ne se développeront pas dans les secteurs que le compte de

beaucoup de gens dessus pour la nourriture production-disent que la

Californie pour des gouvernements d'exemple-plus aurait des problèmes

traiter la crise suivante

[9:51]  Oliver Audina: agree Delia

[9:51]  jyjy Jie: puis-je intervenir?

[9:51]  Marquez Qunhua: yes, but in Darfur it has been a systematic attack on innocent civilians

[9:52]  jyjy Jie: un peu de silence pour la mémoire des morts merci

[9:52]  Rasheed Jacobus: !!!

[9:52]  jyjy Jie: il faut mettre la pression

[9:52]  SignpostMarv Martin is Online

[9:52]  jyjy Jie: sur les médias

[9:52]  jyjy Jie: sur les politiques

[9:52]  Marquez Qunhua: so, I believe that it's good to present all fo the information, but not let that information be used to excuse innaction, or the perpetrators

[9:52]  jyjy Jie: vraiment c'est comme cela en manifestant comme maintenant

[9:53]  Delia Lake: yes, Marquez. and throughout human history, when there are scarce resources, people declare that a particular group is the "outsider--the different ones" and attack them

[9:53]  Oliver Audina: yes Marques

[9:53]  Adri Saarinen is Online

[9:53]  xDelia: oui, Marquez. et dans toute l'histoire humaine, quand il y a les

ressources rares, les gens déclarent qu'un groupe particulier est

l'"étranger -- le différent" et les attaque

[9:53]  You: Is there a rallying point or date in the near future? A deadline for action?

[9:53]  xRik: Y a-t-il un point ou une date de rassemblement dans un proche avenir ?

Une date-limite pour l'action ?

[9:53]  Hiro Pendragon is Offline

[9:53]  Walter Sheridan: Let's organize a HUGE PEACE concert and bring the world medias , protected by blue helmets or milicians if needed!

[9:53]  Delia Lake: this is not to excuse those who have a stronghold on sudan by any means

[9:53]  Natacha Salomon: nous pouvons mettre à disposition notre ile, si vous avez besoin

[9:53]  xDelia: ce ne doit pas excuser ceux qui ont une forteresse sur le Soudan par

tous les moyens

[9:53]  xNatacha: we can put à provision our island, if you need

[9:53]  jyjy Jie: il y a suffisamment de ressources sur cette terre pour tout le monde

[9:54]  Rasheed Jacobus: one more huge peace concert

[9:54]  Walter Sheridan: yes over mediatised

[9:54]  Walter Sheridan: i mean in darfur

[9:54]  Rasheed Jacobus: ... I'm sorry I can't believe it

[9:54]  jyjy Jie: médiatisons médiatisons c'est le leit-motiv

[9:54]  jyjy Jie: pour obliger les pouvoirs à agir

[9:55]  Space Jewell: ile verte is available to help

[9:55]  Natacha Salomon: En France, Francois Bayrou parle souvent du Darfour (leader du parti centriste)

[9:55]  xNatacha: In France, François Bayrou often speaks about Darfour (leader of

the centre party)

[9:55]  Rasheed Jacobus: lol

[9:55]  Walter Sheridan: lol

[9:55]  Ubuntu Gregoire: the idea of a french speaking debriefing sur l'ile verte sounds good

[9:56]  jyjy Jie: que dire de laconférence de paris ce jour

[9:56]  Natacha Salomon: nous n'avons pas encore la voix, cela arrive autour du 15 juillet

[9:56]  xNatacha: we do not have yet the voice, that arrives around July 15

[9:56]  Natacha Salomon: nous diffusons en video si besoin

[9:56]  xNatacha: we diffuse into video if need be

[9:56]  Ubuntu Gregoire: there is some more efficiency possible if we optimize how we "collaborate" between activists from different countries and languages

[9:57]  Marquez Qunhua: yes greg, we have to all work together..

[9:57]  Marquez Qunhua: and make it one movement

[9:57]  Natacha Salomon: pourquoi ne pas creer un groupe dans Second Life peut etre pour reunir les forces internationales inworld ?

[9:57]  xNatacha: why not creer a group in Second Life can be to reunir the

international forces inworld?

[9:57]  Nobody Fugazi is Online

[9:57]  jyjy Jie: c'est une excellente idée

[9:57]  Space Jewell: the island of ile verte which belongs to les humains associes can be used to help to relay information through video streaming

[9:57]  Oliver Audina: (reunir = gather)

[9:57]  Marquez Qunhua: it does not mean doing the same thing, but we should be coordinating, supporting each other's work

[9:58]  Ubuntu Gregoire: if we always keep in mind "not reinventing the wheel" and use ressources that other provide that's excellent

[9:58]  Marquez Qunhua: sharing ideas and strategy

[9:58]  RiverSong Garden: I agree Marquez

[9:58]  Marquez Qunhua: I would love to have help in translating our upcoming trip to refugee camps

[9:58]  Marquez Qunhua: and making it available to anyone and everyone

[9:59]  Marquez Qunhua: we are, this time even more, going to collect very personal stories and stay with those individuals...

[9:59]  Ubuntu Gregoire: we are working on how to improve translation tools and testing it on iAct would be nice!

[9:59]  Marquez Qunhua: so that people can connect at that deeper, human level with the crisis

[9:59]  You: Marquez says that he would love to have help in translatinghis upcoming trip to refugee camps.

[9:59]  xRik: Marquez indique qu'il aimerait avoir l'aide dans le voyage prochain de

translatinghis aux camps de réfugié.

[9:59]  Space Jewell: the humains associes would be more than happy to lend their island to the cause

[10:00]  Marquez Qunhua: fo those that do not know, which is probably most lol, we do same day video webcasting from the camps

[10:00]  Marquez Qunhua: I depart for the Chad-Darfur border on July 7, so our first day of webcasting should be the 10th

[10:00]  Delia Lake: thx, marquez

[10:00]  Tao Takashi is Online

[10:01]  xDelia:

[10:01]  Natacha Salomon: un humain associe Tristan Mendes France revient du Darfour, il a fait une serie de reportage pour son blog, il parle tres bien anglais, il a donne une conference chez nous sur l'ile

[10:01]  xNatacha: human associates Tristan Mendes France returns from Darfour, it made a

series of report for its blog, it speaks very quite English, it A

gives a conference on our premises on the island

[10:02]  You: Marquez says that he departs for the Chad-Darfur border on July 7. So our first day of webcasting should be the 10th.

[10:02]  Natacha Salomon: http://blogtrotters.fr/

[10:02]  xRik: Marquez indique qu'il part pour la frontière du Tchad-Darfur juillet

7. Ainsi notre premier jour de webcasting devrait être le 10ème.

[10:02]  xNatacha: http://blogtrotters.fr/

[10:03]  Natacha Salomon: Ce sera diffuse ou Marquez ? tu peux donner l'adresse ?

[10:03]  Oliver Audina: where will it be webcasted ? IW ?

[10:03]  xNatacha: Ce will sera diffuse ou Marquez? tu peux donner l' adress?

[10:03]  Marquez Qunhua: www.stopgenocidenow.org

[10:03]  Oliver Audina: thx

[10:03]  Natacha Salomon: ok nous allons relayer

[10:03]  xNatacha: ok we will relay

[10:04]  In Kenzo is Online

[10:04]  Marquez Qunhua: we are also happy to make video available to anyone, and we come back with many hours of vidoe, of the vitims telling their own story

[10:04]  You: Welcome back, In Kenzo.

[10:04]  xRik: Bienvenue en arrière, dans Kenzo.

[10:05]  You: Marquez says he will be happy to make video available to anyone.

[10:05]  xRik: Marquez indique qu'il sera heureux de rendre la vidéo disponible à

n'importe qui.

[10:05]  Hermione Fussbudget accepted your inventory offer.

[10:05]  You: /sorry, Marquez is not wearing a babbler

[10:05]  Natacha Salomon: Marquez nous pouvons echanger par e-mail, nous pouvons relayer dans notre reseau

[10:05]  xRik: /sorry, Marquez ne porte pas un bavard

[10:05]  xNatacha: Mark we can echanger by e-mail, we can relay in our network

[10:06]  Natacha Salomon: natacha@humains-associes.org

[10:06]  xNatacha: natacha@humains-associes.org

[10:06]  Kiwini Oe is Online

[10:06]  Ubuntu Gregoire: and what about your budget for the upcoming iAct after the 2 first editions? is it easier now you have some experience or is there a concrete need

[10:09]  In Kenzo: sorry to have missed discussion here.

[10:09]  You: It's ok. We've volunteered you for most of the work.

[10:09]  xRik: Il est correct. Nous vous avons offert pour la majeure partie du


[10:10]  In Kenzo: excellent! so how do we get a million people to speak publically this summer on darfur?

[10:10]  Delia Lake: it maybe too late, but an idea just occurred to me. earlier this year, Cisco Systems was one of the sponsors of a scientific expedition to Baffin Island. they had daily podcasts on their sim here in SL. of course using some of their equipment

[10:10]  xIn: excellent ! ainsi comment obligeons-nous million de personnes à

parler publically cet été sur le darfur ?

[10:10]  xDelia: il peut-être trop tard, mais une idée juste s'est produite à moi

plus tôt cette année, Cisco Systems était l'un des commanditaires

en expédition scientifique à l'île de Baffin ils ont eu les

podcasts quotidiens sur leur sim ici dans le SL. naturellement

utilisant une partie de leur équipement

[10:10]  Natacha Salomon: On pourrait s'informer des actions pour le Darfour inworld.. ce serait bien

[10:10]  xNatacha: One could inform oneself of the actions for Darfour inworld.. it would

be well

[10:10]  Delia Lake: they also have other human interest exhibits there---Soso you were there too---. i wonder if they would broadcast too

[10:10]  xDelia: ils ont également l'autre there---Soso humain d'objets exposés

d'intérêt que vous étiez là trop ---. je me demande s'ils

annonceraient aussi

[10:11]  Ubuntu Gregoire: yes a dedicated RSS about our action that people could spread inworld

[10:11]  Natacha Salomon: oui bonne idee

[10:11]  xNatacha: yes good idee

[10:11]  Natacha Salomon: nous pouvons installer un panneau pour le diffuser chacun dans nos espaces

[10:11]  xNatacha: we can install a panel to diffuse it each one in our spaces

[10:13]  Walter Sheridan: I really suggest you all to get inspiration from The 91 peace concert in Dubrovnik (Balkans) with Barbara Hendricks !!!!!!

[10:13]  Space Jewell: we could all put up signs in our respective places

[10:13]  In Kenzo: Everyone who is here now....we are gathering chat log from today and would like to post it for future use. Would anyone here object?

[10:13]  xIn: Chacun qui est ici maintenant....we recueillent la notation de

causerie d'aujourd'hui et la voudraient la signaler pour le futur

usage. Est-ce que n'importe qui objecterait ici ?

[10:13]  Walter Sheridan: it was a success to focus the international community on this conflict !

[10:13]  Natacha Salomon: oui nous diffusons les infos chez nous ok

[10:13]  xNatacha: yes we diffuse the infos on our premises ok

[10:14]  In Kenzo: we would like to find more coordinated ways to work together.

[10:14]  xIn: nous voudrions trouver plus de manières coordonnées de travailler


[10:14]  Walter Sheridan: in french : http://www.unhcr.fr/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/help/opendoc.htm?tbl=HELP&id=426383574

[10:14]  In Kenzo: and continue conversation beyond short meetings.

[10:14]  Space Jewell: we will relay the information

[10:14]  xIn: et continuez la conversation au delà des réunions courtes.

[10:14]  Katja Sheridan: vous pensez à une action type concert in-world Walter ?

[10:14]  Walter Sheridan: exactly!

[10:15]  Walter Sheridan: with all the medias!

[10:15]  In Kenzo: benefit concert?

[10:15]  Walter Sheridan: and all the ministers

[10:15]  xIn: concert d'avantage ?

[10:15]  Walter Sheridan: in the middle of the field

[10:15]  Space Jewell: where would the concert take place?

[10:15]  Walter Sheridan: broadcasted all around the world

[10:16]  Walter Sheridan: in darfur

[10:16]  Delia Lake: another idea...can someone do an RSS feed into a gathering spot on one of the NMC islands? and maybe at a kiosk on Info Island??

[10:16]  xDelia: une autre idée... peut quelqu'un faire une alimentation de RSS dans

une tache sourcilleuse sur une des îles de NMC ? et peut-être à un

kiosque sur l'île d'information ? ?

[10:16]  Space Jewell: from Second Life ?

[10:16]  Space Jewell: great idea`

[10:16]  In Kenzo: we have access to many islands

[10:16]  xIn: nous avons accès vers beaucoup d'îles

[10:16]  In Kenzo: in this group.

[10:16]  xIn: dans ce groupe.

[10:16]  In Kenzo: if there's a coordinated campaign.

[10:16]  xIn: s'il y a une campagne coordonnée.

[10:16]  In Kenzo: i have camp darfur links on three other lands right now....

[10:16]  xIn: j'ai des liens de darfur de camp sur trois autres terres en ce


[10:17]  In Kenzo: and others spread that meme to keep others aware as they travel.

[10:17]  xIn: et d'autres écartent ce meme pour maintenir d'autres avertis pendant

qu'elles voyagent.

[10:18]  tatiana Salomon: bonsoir à tous

[10:19]  Tandoah Yao: bonsoir Tatiana

[10:19]  jyjy Jie: bonsoir

[10:19]  Ubuntu Gregoire: bonsoir Tatiana

[10:19]  Delia Lake: btw, the main contact at Cisco Systems in sl is Christian CiscoSystems.

[10:19]  In Kenzo: are there questions to share?

[10:19]  xDelia: le BTW, le contact principal au Cisco Systems dans le SL est

CiscoSystems chrétien.

[10:19]  xIn: y a-t-il des questions à partager ?

[10:19]  Space Jewell: would it not be a good idea to wear a badge to show our support?

[10:19]  Nessy Lupino: bonsoir Tatiana

[10:19]  xNessy: Tatiana good evening

[10:19]  In Kenzo: awesome delia, thanks ;-)

[10:19]  xIn: delia impressionnant, merci ; -)

[10:19]  Space Jewell: bonsoir tatiana

[10:19]  In Kenzo: group id alos

[10:19]  In Kenzo: also

[10:19]  You: thanks all

[10:19]  xIn: aussi

[10:19]  xRik: remercie tous

[10:19]  Justin Biziou: gotta go too, thanks for all your efforts, I'll stay tuned. :)

[10:19]  In Kenzo: right now wearing the title that says stoptheviolence! but those titles can say anything

[10:19]  xIn: en ce moment portant le titre qui indique le stoptheviolence ! mais

ces titres peuvent indiquer n'importe quoi

[10:20]  In Kenzo: the group is Not on our Watch

[10:20]  In Kenzo: and you are welcome to join....

[10:20]  Space Jewell: se you Justin

[10:20]  xIn: et vous êtes bienvenu pour vous joindre....

[10:20]  In Kenzo: for announcements of regular events regarding darfur

[10:20]  xIn: pour des annonces des événements réguliers concernant le darfur

[10:20]  In Kenzo: i think we can be more pointed and direct about our impact here.

[10:20]  In Kenzo: together.

[10:20]  xIn: ensemble.

[10:20]  Katja Sheridan: is there a special group for Darfour ?

[10:20]  In Kenzo: Not On Our Watch

[10:20]  In Kenzo: yes

[10:20]  xIn: oui

[10:20]  Natacha Salomon: il y a un groupe dans Second Life deja ?

[10:20]  xNatacha: there is a group in Second Life already?

[10:21]  In Kenzo: Riversong organizes this space and will have a landmark giver that you can put on your land.

[10:21]  xIn: Riversong organise cet espace et aura un donateur de borne limite que

vous pouvez mettre dessus votre terre.

[10:21]  Ubuntu Gregoire: I was thinking about mapping on a mash-up Darfur activist around the world, so SLers who are not "secret identity" could be on this map

[10:21]  In Kenzo: using floating text and simple items can show coordinated care

[10:21]  xIn: employer le texte flottant et les articles simples peut montrer le

soin coordonné

[10:21]  Space Jewell: that's great

[10:21]  In Kenzo: gregoire, have you met stephane and his map?

[10:21]  xIn: gregoire, avez-vous rencontré le stephane et sa carte ?

[10:22]  In Kenzo: i will show you....it is good for mapping. stephane zugzwang, a very good french scripter/builder inworld.

[10:22]  Ubuntu Gregoire: hmmm... stephane ?

[10:22]  xIn: je vous montrerai que....it est bon pour tracer le zugzwang de

stephane, un inworld très bon du Français scripter/builder.

[10:22]  Delia Lake: that's great. it would show a broader range of personal involvment

[10:22]  In Kenzo: an immersive earth you can get inside.

[10:22]  xIn: une terre immersive que vous pouvez obtenir à l'intérieur.

[10:22]  xDelia: c'est grand. il montrerait une plus large gamme d'involvment


[10:22]  Walter Sheridan: Ok TY everybody! Congratulations for your energy and commitments !! ! bye bye now!

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