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Saved by PBworks
on July 16, 2007 at 9:36:33 am

Camp Darfur International/Interactive


Camp Darfur is a 3D interactive experience in Second Life that offers a small glimpse into the brutal realities that millions are currently facing in central Africa.  From burned out villages and poorly staffed camps to renegade rebels stealing food and videologs direct from refugees, Camp Darfur provides action and collaboration space to build focused solutions to this genocide now.


JULY 2007 Videoblogs from former villages

Interactive Activism:  Daily videoblogs from refugee camps in Chad, talking directly with those who have escaped janjaweed attacks in the Sudan. 


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From Gabriel, Yuen-Lin and Connie:


Dear Family and Friends,

In response to requests from you, our viewers, Gabriel visits Mansur again, to bring his drawings back to the US. We also hear more dreadful stories of the tragedy that brought the refugees to the camp.

Please go to www.stopgenocidenow.org and view today's video, ask questions, and make comments.

Day 7.  Blog message to refugees

You have been following Yuen Lin, Connie and Gabriel as they directly connect you to the women, children and men who have been affected by the violence in Darfur and Chad. Today, we encourage you to blog a message to them. Let them know they are not FORGOTTEN and that we promise to stand beside them through this experience, until the violence ends and they can go home. Speak Out. Connect. Share your life.  Take ACTion!


i-ACT Team 

Please let us know your experience watching the i-ACT videos. If you're having problems, we'll try to help solve the problem together.  Write to us at sgn.tech@gmail.com



Collaborating on this wiki


Think of this wiki as a shared online whiteboard. Your entire group can share information using this wiki, making your research accessible to everyone. Play around with this wiki: Notice how you can add comments to a page, see what people have changed, and edit all the text.  The password for editing all AMO pages is OYA; click edit above to begin. 


Not on Our Watch group members in Camp Darfur discussion


  • In Kenzo (evonne @ AMO)
  • Ubuntu Gregoire
  • Riversong Garden, owner of Better World Island and scout-host
  • Other activists please list avatar names here!


Why we do what we do



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Sources (add links)


  1. Save Darfur
  2. Stop Genocide Now
  3. iACT videos from camps
  4. Omidyar Network discussion boards
  5. WineCamp discussions

Available In Second Life


Who When I can meet
In Kenzo M-F, 10am-5pm PST








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